
Jumping in Puddles for Cancer was born out of my friendship with dear Gary Burgess.

Sadly, Gary passed away on 1st January 2022, leaving behind a vast legacy of incredible achievements, family and friends who will never forget him, and this fundraising campaign, which he felt so strongly about.

He handled cancer with such strength and dignity and I will miss him deeply as will everyone who loved him and were lucky enough to know him.

I will carry on being inspired him and the special memories he has left me, taking strength from the memories of his courage to carry on fundraising for this worthy cause.

Let’s keep Jumping in Puddles and doing our bit to raise money for Cancer Research UK. Let’s keep making people smile at low times and let’s one day, eventually, find a cure – to prevent any more of our loved ones being taken by this cruel disease.

Susie Campanella
Founder of Jumping in Puddles

Get those wellies on....
and help raise a million pounds
for cancer research

Total Raised £60,575.44


1. Get those wellies on & JUMP in a puddle!
2. NOMINATE three friends, colleagues or family members to do the same!

Jump. Donate. Nominate! #JumpInForCancer

Sadly we can’t cure cancer yet but we need to keep trying.
We need to support those who have the knowledge and skills to make
a difference to cancer treatment, and this is where
Jumping in Puddles for Cancer comes in.